Electric Bicycle Policy

The Petaluma Cycling Club (the Club) supports and allows the use of electric bicycles that are pedal-assisted, Class 1 or Class 3 ebikes, which meet the specifications provided below and are consistent with California and Federal Law.

Class 1 and Class 3 ebikes, which are pedal assisted ebikes (i.e., ebikes that can only be operated by being pedaled by the rider with pedaling assisted by a small electric motor), are permitted to be ridden on Club rides. Riders of Class 1 and Class 3 ebikes must follow the rules established for ebikes within the California Vehicle Code. (See CVC 312.5 and CVC Article 4 (commencing with Section 21200) of Chapter 1 of Division 11.) This includes following the rules of the road that apply to standard bicycles and ebikes.

On any Club ride, ebike riders shall adhere to riding guidelines and practices set forth under Guidelines for Group Rides and New Riders' Checklist posted on our website.

Petaluma Cycling Club: Cycling Safely since 1895

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